
QNU today

3 Works of QNU Won Awards in the 11th National Advertising Art Design Competition for College Students (2019)


Durex:The Core Technology of Love

Recently, awards for the 11th National Advertising Art Design Competition for College Students (2019) were announced with three works from QNU winning prizes. Among them, the graphic work “Durex: Core Technique of Love” of Zhang Xiang and Song Fangzheng from Visual Communication Department, School of Fine Arts and Design supervised by Cai Shufen won the third prize. The advertising planning work of "Wahaha: Great Tea in the Best Season" collaborated by Peng Yizhuo, Wu Na, Wu Youhao and “Durex: Explore the Infinite Possibilities” by Ding Wenlong, Fang Mingyu, Wei Wenlong, both supervised by Liang Hui won the Excellence Awards. A total of more than 1,400 colleges and universities participated in this year’s competition and over 100,000 students submitted their works.

This year, in the Fujian Division Competition of the NAADCCS, works of QNU students won 2 first prizes, 7 second prizes, and 15 third prizes, among which the graphic work “Veet: I don’t want a ‘sweater’ in the summer” of Lin Meifang supervised by Cai Shufen from Visual Communication Department and the animation work of “Wahaha: Breakthrough” by Lin Jieheng supervised by Yang Ying won the first prize.

(School of Fine Arts and Design)