
QNU today

QNU Youth League Committee Won Green Contribution Award in the 4th Mother River Award


On August 9, 4th Mother River Awards was released by the taem of  Mother River Protection Operation in Fujian. QNU Youth League Committee won the Green Contribution Award.

Since the implementation of the River Chief System, QNU Youth League Committee has responded positively to the call of “He Xiaoyu” program organized by Office of Fujian River Chief, Communist Youth League Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Fujian Students Union.

The “Six Ones” activities are organized and all institutes in the University are encouraged to carry out social practice. Our students are closely involved in the construction of ecological civilization, making their contribution to the protection of Mother River. Various teams, such as “Eternal Youth: University Students Summer Vocation Social Practice Team” and “I’m He Xiaoyu”, were set up by the students. A social practice was carried out, aiming to survey the ecological environment of Jinjiang, Quanzhou’s mother river, and to protect it and the nearby wetland and beautiful countryside. The students introduced the wetland ecosystem to the public and explained how to keep the wetland clean and maintain its biodiversity. Water quality index and plankton of water samples were analyzed and assessed after a complete inspection of the several-hundred-kilometer Jinjiang river.

QNU Youth League Committee also encouraged the field research teams to interview river chiefs at different levels, to find out cases of excellent implementation of river chief system and to set up long-term youth volunteer teams. These activities raised public awareness, thus more teachers, students and local residents are attracted to participate in the protection of the mother river.